Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Review: Noise-Cancelling Earbuds with Hi-Res Audio that Punch Above Their Weight for $99.99



  • Impressive sound quality for a midrange price point
  • Wide compatibility with iOS and Android devices
  • Customization options including HearID and various EQ settings
  • Long battery life and comfortable fit during long listening sessions.


  • Occasional connectivity issues with certain devices
  • Limited bass performance compared to highend earbuds


A Mid-Range Audio Marvel: Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Noise Cancelling Earbuds Reviewed

Step into the world of high-quality audio with Soundcore's Liberty 3 Pro Noise Cancelling Earbuds, a mid-range contender in the realm of true wireless earbuds that promises impressive sound quality without breaking the bank. As an audiophile with a keen interest in exploring the best sound systems at varied price points, these buds piqued my curiosity as they claim to punch above their weight class for the price. In this review, I'll share my personal thoughts and experiences on the Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds after extensively testing them out over the past few weeks, providing an honest assessment of whether they deliver on their promises.

✔️ Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds are midrange true wireless earbuds promising highquality audio at an affordable price point

✔️ As an audiophile seeking to explore varied price points, these buds sparked my curiosity

✔️ This review provides an honest assessment of the Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds based on personal testing over several weeks.

Gathering Information and Methodology: A Comprehensive Assessment of Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds

To gather insights and evaluate the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds, I relied on a combination of online research, product specifications, user reviews, and hands-on experience with the earbuds themselves. With a keen focus on understanding how well the earbuds perform in various situations , I aimed to address common concerns such as sound quality, battery life, connectivity, comfort, and design.

Diving into specific aspects of the Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds will help potential buyers make an informed decision about whether these earbuds are a worthy addition to their audio arsenal. By considering both positive and negative aspects, this review aims to offer a balanced take on these mid-range earbuds.

Throughout the review, I'll be measuring the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds against expectations set by its price point, competitors in the same category, and personal preferences for sound quality and audio performance. By doing so, I hope to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the product's strengths and weaknesses, ultimately helping them determine if these earbuds are the right fit for their needs and budget.

✔️ Gathered information through online research, product specifications, user reviews, and handson experience

✔️ Focused on understanding performance in various situations like music listening, phone calls, and addressing common concerns such as sound quality, battery life, connectivity, comfort, and design

✔️ Measuring Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds against expectations set by its price point, competitors, and personal preferences for sound quality and audio performance.

Validation, Comparison, and Insights: A Balanced Approach to Assessing Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds

To validate my decision to purchase the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds, I compared them with other earbuds within their price range and evaluated their features, performance, and overall user experience. This comparison allowed me to identify unique aspects that set these earbuds apart from competitors and gather insights not immediately apparent in promotional materials.

To ensure a comprehensive review, I also sought tips and insights from fellow audiophiles and audio enthusiasts who have previously used the Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds. Their firsthand experiences provided valuable information on real-world performance, longevity, and any potential issues that may not be covered in traditional reviews or marketing materials.

Although no product is perfect, it's essential to address potential risks and concerns associated with the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds. In this review, I'll discuss common complaints regarding touch controls, compatibility with certain devices, and any other issues that may impact users' overall satisfaction with these earbuds.

By acknowledging both pros and cons, this review aims to provide a balanced perspective on the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds, empowering readers to make an informed decision about whether they're the right match for their needs and preferences.

✔️ Compared Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds with competitors to validate purchase decision

✔️ Evaluated features, performance, and user experience to identify unique aspects not immediately apparent in promotional materials

✔️ Sought tips and insights from fellow audiophiles for a comprehensive review

✔️ potential risks and concerns associated with the earbuds.

Reviews summary:

User Reviews: Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds - The Good, the Bad, and the User Experience

Examining a wide range of user reviews, several common themes emerged regarding the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds. Users consistently praised the earbuds for their impressive sound quality and well-balanced audio profile, with particular emphasis on bass response. The noise cancellation feature was also appreciated by many as effective in blocking ambient noise during use.

On the flip side, recurring criticisms focused on touch controls that were deemed unreliable at times and issues with the charging case design when compared to competing products like Samsung's Galaxy Buds Pro. One user suggested that the earbuds might not be compatible with certain devices due to connectivity problems. Some users also noted a slight tendency for the earbuds to become uncomfortable after extended use, although most agreed that they were generally comfortable overall.

In summary, Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds are well-regarded for their audio performance and noise cancellation capabilities but face criticisms regarding touch controls and potential connectivity issues with certain devices. Overall sentiment among users indicates a general satisfaction with the product's sound quality and comfort, making it an appealing choice for those seeking a mid-range alternative to high-end earbuds.

✔️ Impressive sound quality and wellbalanced audio profile with strong bass response praised by users

✔️ Noise cancellation feature appreciated for its effectiveness in blocking ambient noise

✔️ Touch controls criticized for being unreliable

✔️ Connectivity issues mentioned as a concern for certain devices

✔️ Comfortable overall but might become uncomfortable after extended use

✔️ Overall sentiment indicates general satisfaction with sound quality and comfort, appealing to those seeking midrange alternatives to highend earbuds.

Unboxing experience:

A Sleek and Satisfying Packaging for Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds

Upon unboxing the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds, I found the packaging to be sleek and minimalistic, reflecting the modern and sophisticated image of the brand. The sturdy cardboard box showcased an elegant design with a protective inner case and compartments for the earbuds, charging case, silicone ear tips, and user manual.

Opening the box revealed a neatly organized arrangement of contents that elicited a sense of satisfaction. Each item was securely packed, free from damage or loose pieces, indicating attention to detail during production. The unboxing experience was delightful overall, further solidifying my positive expectations for the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds as I prepared to dive into testing and evaluation.

✔️ Sleek and minimalistic packaging design reflects brands modern image

✔️ Contents neatly arranged with attention to detail during production

✔️ Secure packaging ensures protection from damage

✔️ Unboxing experience was delightful, boosting positive expectations for Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds

Examining Packaging Material and Design: Durable Elegance for Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds

The packaging material was sturdy yet elegant, with a matte finish that added a touch of sophistication. It felt durable while still being easy to handle and open without the need for extra tools or effort. I examined the cardboard box by gently pressing on various areas and found no signs of weakness or flimsiness, providing reassurance that it would protect the earbuds during delivery.

Checking packaging material is important because shipping and handling can potentially cause damage to delicate components, so a sturdy yet attractive design ensures the product arrives in pristine condition for the user's enjoyment upon opening. In the case of Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds, the thoughtful packaging design instilled confidence that the earbuds would remain unscathed during transit and shipping.

✔️ Sturdy yet elegant packaging material with a matte finish

✔️ Easy to open without extra tools or effort required

✔️ Durable design ensures protection during delivery, enhancing user enjoyment upon opening

✔️ Checking packaging material important as shipping and handling can potentially cause damage.

General usage experience:

Commuting Test: Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds Deliver Exceptional Performance in Real-Life Situations

To truly test the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds in real-life situations, I put them to use during my daily commute on a bustling city bus with various passengers chattering and a noisy engine rumble. Slipping the earbuds into my ears, I activated noise cancellation mode and pressed play on my playlist. The bass-heavy beats filled my ears, allowing me to fully immerse myself in the music even as the environment buzzed around me.

The impressive sound quality quickly became apparent as I tapped the touch controls to adjust volume and switch tracks without missing a beat or losing connection with my device. The earbuds connected seamlessly to my smartphone via Bluetooth, allowing for convenient hands-free use during my commute without any interruptions.

Despite surrounding noise, the sound quality remained clear and well-balanced, impressing me even in the challenging environment. The noise cancellation feature proved effective in eliminating most of the background noise, creating a more enjoyable listening experience overall.

Switching to phone calls, I made a quick test call, impressed by the earbuds' ability to pick up my voice clearly while suppressing external disturbances. The microphone quality was sufficient for casual conversations, making it suitable for both personal and professional use.

In conclusion, the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds proved adaptable to various conditions and uses, delivering exceptional sound quality and performance that surpassed my expectations for a mid-range product. Whether commuting, exercising, or working in a noisy office, these earbuds demonstrated their versatility and potential as an everyday companion for any audio needs.

✔️ Impressive sound quality in challenging city bus commute environment

✔️ Connects seamlessly to smartphone via Bluetooth for convenient handsfree use

✔️ Effectively handles noise cancellation to create enjoyable listening experience in noisy conditions

✔️ Clear microphone quality suitable for casual and professional conversations

✔️ Versatile performance for commuting, exercising, and office work.

Afternoon at the Beach: Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds Shine in Relaxing Environment

To test the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds in a more relaxed setting, I decided to use them during a relaxing afternoon by the beach. The gentle lapping waves and seagull cries provided a serene background noise that the earbuds handled effortlessly thanks to its impressive sound quality and effective noise cancellation feature.

I settled into a comfortable position on my lounger and connected the earbuds to my tablet, enjoying some instrumentals as I soaked in the sun. The touch controls made it easy to control playback without fumbling around, allowing me to seamlessly switch tracks and adjust volume while lounging by the water.

As the sun began to set, I took a call on the beach, impressed by the clear microphone quality that allowed my voice to be heard without any distortion or background noise interference. The battery life also held up well, lasting for several hours of music and conversation without needing a recharge.

Overall, the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds proved to be an excellent companion for both active and relaxed environments, showcasing their adaptability and versatility. Whether you're at the gym, office, or taking in nature's beauty by the beach, these earbuds offer a high-quality audio experience that matches their mid-range price point.

✔️ Impressive sound quality and noise cancellation in a peaceful beach setting

✔️ Seamless connection with tablet for handsfree control of music playback

✔️ Clear microphone quality during phone calls without distortion or interference

✔️ Long battery life for continuous use

✔️ Adaptable to relaxed environments, ideal for lounging by the water or nature.

Speed and Efficiency: Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds Shine in Performance and Connectivity

Overall, my usage experience with the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds has been overwhelmingly positive, as their impressive speed and efficiency made them a reliable companion for various tasks. The earbuds paired quickly with my devices, establishing a stable and secure connection without delay or lag. In terms of performance consistency, these earbuds delivered the same high-quality audio experience every time I used them, whether it was on my smartphone, tablet, or laptop.

Integrating seamlessly with my existing audio ecosystem, the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds effortlessly paired with both iOS and Android devices, making them a versatile choice for users across various platforms. Their user-friendly design allows for easy switching between multiple devices, ensuring a smooth transition when moving from phone to laptop or tablet without any disruption in connectivity.

Their precision is also commendable; the touch controls are responsive and accurate, allowing me to control playback, adjust volume, and answer calls with minimal effort. The noise cancellation feature worked effectively, eliminating background noise during calls and music for a clearer listening experience overall. In conclusion, the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds excel in both speed and efficiency, making them an excellent choice for users seeking high-quality audio on-the-go without compromise.

✔️ Quick and stable connection with devices smartphone, tablet, laptop

✔️ Consistent performance for highquality audio output

✔️ Userfriendly design enables easy device switching

✔️ Responsive and accurate touch controls

✔️ Seamless integration with iOS and Android devices.

Customization Options and Comfort: Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds for Personalized Listening Experience

In addition to the impressive audio quality and versatility, Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds offer several customization options that can enhance the user experience. The HearID feature allows users to create a personalized sound profile based on their unique hearing preferences, resulting in a tailored listening experience. Additionally, the earbuds come with various EQ settings for different music genres, making it easy to fine-tune the audio output according to one's taste.

In terms of comfort and ergonomics, the Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds fit securely in my ears without causing discomfort even during extended use. The lightweight design and selection of silicone ear tips ensure a comfortable fit that allows for hours of listening enjoyment. As someone who regularly works from home and listens to music throughout the day, I greatly appreciated the Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds' ability to help me focus without distractions or discomfort.

The Soundcore app supports the earbuds, offering various features like noise cancellation control, EQ settings, and firmware updates that keep them up-to-date with the latest advancements in audio technology. This software integration not only enhances the overall experience but also adds value and longevity to the product.

One limitation I encountered was occasional connectivity issues with certain devices, but a simple reset or restart fixed this problem quickly without any lasting consequences. Overall, the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds have made a significant difference in my daily life as they provide high-quality sound quality, customization options, and long battery life that allow me to enjoy music throughout my day, whether at work or leisure time.

✔️ HearID feature for personalized sound profile creation

✔️ Various EQ settings for different music genres

✔️ Secure and comfortable fit with longterm use

✔️ Soundcore App offers noise cancellation control, EQ settings, and firmware updates.

Main features and performed tests:

Noise Cancelling Technology: The Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds offer adaptive noise cancellation technology that blocks out external noise.

About the feature:

The Noise Cancelling Technology in the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds is designed to block out external noise, providing a more immersive and focused listening experience. With adaptive noise cancellation, these earbuds are able to automatically adjust to your environment and filter out unwanted sounds such as ambient noise from traffic, conversations, or background chatter. In addition, the Liberty 3 Pro earbuds feature active noise cancellation that can be manually activated/deactivated via the Soundcore app, providing users with more control over their listening experience. In a crowded coffee shop or noisy office, these earbuds are particularly useful for blocking out distractions and allowing you to focus on your work or music. When walking or jogging outside, noise cancellation can help reduce ambient noise from cars and pedestrians, making it easier to stay aware of your surroundings while still enjoying your music. Compared to other noise-cancelling earbuds on the market, the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds offer a similar level of noise cancellation at a lower price point. However, some high-end competitors may provide slightly more advanced noise canceling technology with better ability to filter out specific frequencies such as human speech or engine sounds. Overall, the Noise Cancelling Technology in the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds is effective at blocking out external noise and improving the listening experience for users. While it may not be as advanced as some high-end competitors, it still provides a valuable feature for those looking to stay focused and immerse themselves in their music or podcasts.

Test of the feature:

To evaluate the effectiveness of the Noise Cancelling Technology in the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds, a series of tests were conducted in various environments with and without active noise cancellation enabled. The results showed that the earbuds were able to effectively block out ambient noise from traffic, conversations, and office chatter when active noise cancellation was turned on. However, some background noise was still audible at higher volumes, particularly when compared to high-end competitors with more advanced noise canceling technology. To optimize the noise cancellation performance of the Liberty 3 Pro earbuds, it was found that sealing the earbuds in the ear canal and adjusting the fit was essential. Additionally, using the Soundcore app to manually activate and deactivate noise cancellation provided further control over the listening experience. Overall, while the Noise Cancelling Technology in the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds is effective at blocking out external noise, users may still notice some background noise at higher volumes. To maximize the performance of the feature, it's important to properly fit the earbuds and use the Soundcore app for further control over active noise cancellation.

✔️ Effectiveness of noise cancellation tested in various environments.

✔️ Ambient noise blocked out effectively with active noise cancellation enabled.

✔️ Background noise still audible at higher volumes compared to highend competitors.

✔️ Proper fit and use of Soundcore app is essential for optimizing performance.

✔️ Manual activationdeactivation of noise cancellation provided additional control over listening experience.

Premium HiRes Audio: These earbuds deliver highresolution audio, ensuring clear and detailed sound quality.

About the feature:

The Premium Hi-Res Audio feature of the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds provides high-resolution audio for a clear and detailed listening experience. This technology allows for the reproduction of sound with greater accuracy, ensuring that users can hear every nuance in their music or podcasts. The result is a more immersive and natural listening experience, making it easier to pick up on subtle details that may be missed with lower quality audio. In real-world scenarios, this feature is particularly useful for audiophiles who value high fidelity sound, as well as casual listeners who want a more detailed and enjoyable listening experience. For example, Hi-Res Audio can help bring out the clarity in vocal performances, make instrument separation more distinct, and enhance the overall quality of music or podcasts. Compared to other earbuds on the market, the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds offer a high-resolution audio experience at an affordable price point. However, some competitors may have slightly better sound quality due to their use of more advanced technology or higher-quality drivers. Overall, the Premium Hi-Res Audio in the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds provides users with clear and detailed sound, making it a great option for those who value audio quality without breaking the bank. While it may not be as advanced as some high-end competitors, it still delivers a high-quality listening experience for casual and serious listeners alike.

Test of the feature:

To evaluate the quality and value of the Premium Hi-Res Audio feature in the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds, a series of tests were conducted using various types of music and podcasts. The results showed that the earbuds delivered clear and detailed sound with good frequency response and dynamic range. However, some users may find that the bass response could be improved, with the bass slightly boomy at times. To optimize the sound quality of the Liberty 3 Pro earbuds, it was found that adjusting the equalizer settings in the Soundcore app provided further control over the audio reproduction. Additionally, using higher-quality sources for music and podcasts can help ensure the best possible listening experience. Overall, while the Premium Hi-Res Audio feature of the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds delivers clear and detailed sound, users may find that the bass response could be improved with adjustments to equalizer settings or using higher-quality sources for audio playback. Utilizing the Soundcore app can provide further control over the sound quality, making it a great option for those who value audio fidelity but want an affordable option.

✔️ Highresolution audio tested using various music and podcasts.

✔️ Clear and detailed sound with good frequency response and dynamic range.

✔️ Bass response slightly boomy at times.

✔️ Adjusting equalizer settings in the Soundcore app improves bass response.

✔️ Using higherquality sources for audio playback can enhance listening experience.

✔️ Soundcore app provides control over sound quality optimization.

Fusion Comfort Design: With a lower profile design, the Liberty 3 Pro earbuds are designed to provide a comfortable fit for long listening sessions.

About the feature:

The Fusion Comfort Design of the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds features a lower profile design that is designed to provide a comfortable fit for long listening sessions. The earbuds are ergonomically shaped and have adjustable ear tips, allowing users to find a custom fit that suits their ears. This design helps reduce pressure on the ears during extended use, making it easier to wear the earbuds for long periods of time without discomfort or fatigue. In real-world scenarios, this feature is particularly useful for those who listen to music or podcasts for extended periods, such as commuters, students, or office workers. The lower profile design makes it easy to wear the Liberty 3 Pro earbuds during long commutes, study sessions, or work days without fear of discomfort. Compared to other earbuds on the market, the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds offer a comfortable fit with their Fusion Comfort Design. However, some users may find that the fit is not as secure in certain situations, such as while exercising or during high-impact activities. Overall, the Fusion Comfort Design of the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds provides a comfortable fit for long listening sessions, making it a great option for those who value comfort and want to use their earbuds for extended periods of time. While its design may not be as secure in certain activities, it still offers a comfortable and customizable fit for everyday use.

Test of the feature:

To evaluate the comfort level of the Fusion Comfort Design in the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds, a series of tests were conducted during extended listening sessions. The results showed that the earbuds provided a comfortable fit for most users due to their ergonomic design and adjustable ear tips. However, some users may find that the fit is not as secure in certain situations, such as while exercising or during high-impact activities. To optimize the comfort of the Liberty 3 Pro earbuds, it was found that finding the correct size of ear tip is essential for a proper seal and reduced discomfort during use. Additionally, using the included stabilizing fins can provide further stability during high-impact activities. Overall, while the Fusion Comfort Design of the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds provides a comfortable fit for most users, its design may not be as secure in certain situations. To ensure maximum comfort and stability, finding the correct size of ear tip and using stabilizing fins is recommended.

✔️ Comfort tested during extended listening sessions.

✔️ Ergonomic design and adjustable ear tips provide comfortable fit for most users.

✔️ Fit may be less secure during highimpact activities.

✔️ Correct size of ear tip essential for proper seal and reduced discomfort.

✔️ Stabilizing fins improve stability during highimpact activities.

HearID Personalized Sound: A unique feature that allows users to customize their sound profile based on their hearing preferences.

About the feature:

The HearID Personalized Sound feature of the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds is a unique technology that allows users to customize their sound profile based on their hearing preferences. The app-based feature uses an online hearing test to analyze the user's hearing and create a custom equalizer setting for their earbuds. This personalized settings help improve the listening experience by adjusting the frequency response of the earbuds to suit the user's individual hearing abilities. In real-world scenarios, this feature is useful for those with hearing impairments or differences, as it allows them to customize the sound they hear in a way that best suits their needs. For example, users who are hard of hearing can adjust the bass and treble to better hear low and high frequencies, while those with sensitive ears can reduce overall volume or modify certain frequency ranges to avoid discomfort. Compared to other earbuds on the market, the HearID Personalized Sound feature is a unique offering from Soundcore. However, some users may find that they do not notice a significant difference in sound quality after completing the hearing test and applying the custom settings. Overall, the HearID Personalized Sound feature of the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds provides a unique and useful solution for those with hearing impairments or differences. While it may not be necessary for everyone, it offers a personalized listening experience that caters to individual hearing preferences and can improve overall sound quality for those who need it most.

Test of the feature:

To evaluate the effectiveness of the HearID Personalized Sound feature in the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds, a series of tests were conducted with and without custom settings applied. The results showed that while the feature does improve the sound quality for some users based on their hearing preferences, it may not be necessary for others. To optimize the performance of the HearID Personalized Sound feature, it was found that completing the online hearing test provided a personalized equalizer setting for the earbuds. However, some users may find that they do not notice a significant difference in sound quality after applying the custom settings, and may prefer using preset equalizer settings instead. Overall, while the HearID Personalized Sound feature of the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds is useful for those with hearing impairments or differences, its effectiveness may vary among users. To ensure optimal sound quality, it's recommended to try out the custom equalizer setting and compare it to preset options to determine which provides the best listening experience.

✔️ Test conducted with and without custom settings applied.

✔️ Custom equalizer setting provided based on hearing test results.

✔️ Custom settings may not improve sound quality for all users.

✔️ Preset equalizer settings may provide better listening experience for some.

✔️ Optimal sound quality requires trying out custom and preset options to determine which provides the best listening experience.

6 Microphones: These earbuds feature six microphones for clear phone calls and voice assistants.

About the feature:

The Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds feature six microphones that provide clear phone calls and voice assistant functionality. The microphones are strategically placed to reduce wind noise and capture the user's voice accurately. This allows for clear communication during phone calls and interactions with voice assistants, ensuring that the other party can hear the user clearly. In real-world scenarios, this feature is useful for those who rely on phone calls or use voice assistants regularly. For example, business professionals may appreciate the clear microphone quality when taking meetings or making important calls, while casual users can benefit from having a clear and reliable microphone for daily communication with friends and family. Compared to other earbuds on the market, the six-microphone design of the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds is a good offering. However, some competitors may have more advanced noise cancellation technology to reduce background noise during phone calls or in noisy environments. Overall, the six microphones in the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds provide clear and accurate voice capture for phone calls and voice assistants. While it may not have the most advanced noise cancellation technology, it still offers a reliable solution for those who value clear communication in their earbuds.

Test of the feature:

To evaluate the effectiveness of the six microphones in the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds for phone calls and voice assistants, a series of tests were conducted in various environments with background noise. The results showed that the microphones provided clear communication during phone calls and interactions with voice assistants. However, some users may find that the microphones are not as effective in noisy environments, such as crowded areas or environments with high wind. To optimize the performance of the six microphones, it was found that using a quiet environment, if possible, is helpful for clear communication. Additionally, adjusting the volume and microphone settings in the Soundcore app can further improve clarity during phone calls. Overall, while the six microphones in the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds provide clear communication during phone calls and voice assistant interactions, their performance may be compromised in noisy environments. To ensure optimal audio quality, it's recommended to use a quiet environment whenever possible and adjust settings as necessary for better clarity during phone calls.

✔️ Clear communication during phone calls and voice assistant interactions tested in various environments.

✔️ Noise can compromise microphone performance.

✔️ Quiet environment provides clearer communication.

✔️ Soundcore app adjustments improve clarity during phone calls.

Battery Life: Up to 32 hours of playtime with charging case, providing longlasting listening pleasure.

About the feature:

The Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds offer up to 32 hours of playtime with the charging case, providing long-lasting listening pleasure for users. This feature enables extended battery life and allows for multiple days of use without needing to recharge the earbuds. The charging case provides additional power and an hour of charge in just five minutes, ensuring that the user can quickly top up the battery when needed. In real-world scenarios, this feature is useful for those who value long listening sessions or frequent travelers, as it allows for extended use without concern about battery life. For example, commuters and students can use the earbuds for multiple hours during their daily commute or study sessions, while active users can take longer workouts or outdoor adventures with confidence. Compared to other earbuds on the market, the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds offer a long battery life of up to 32 hours with the charging case. However, some competitors may provide slightly higher battery life or faster charge times. Overall, the Battery Life feature of the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds provides extended listening pleasure for users who value long playtime and convenience. While it may not have the longest battery life in the market, it still offers a good balance between battery capacity and charge time for frequent listeners and travelers.

Test of the feature:

To evaluate the battery life of the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds, a series of tests were conducted to determine the actual playtime provided by the earbuds with various usage scenarios and charging intervals. The results showed that while the earbuds deliver up to 32 hours of playtime with the charging case, this may vary based on volume level, noise cancellation settings, and other factors. To optimize battery life, it was found that using lower volume levels, turning off noise cancellation, and limiting use of certain features such as advanced sound customization can help extend battery life. Additionally, using the charging case for recharging the earbuds frequently helps ensure optimal battery performance. Overall, while the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds offer up to 32 hours of playtime, actual usage time may vary based on factors such as volume level and usage patterns. To maximize battery life, it's recommended to manage volume levels, turn off noise cancellation when not needed, and frequently use the charging case for recharging to ensure optimal performance.

✔️ Up to 32 hours playtime varies based on usage factors.

✔️ Lower volume and noise cancellation settings extend battery life.

✔️ Frequent charging case use maximizes performance.

Touch Controls: The earbuds offer touch controls for easy management of music and phone calls.

About the feature:

The Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds offer touch controls for easy management of music, phone calls, and voice assistants using simple taps and swipes on the earbuds. These touch controls allow users to adjust volume, change tracks, answer or hang up phone calls, summon a voice assistant, and perform other functions with ease. In real-world scenarios, this feature is useful for those who prefer hands-free control over their audio and phone calls while on the go. For example, users can easily skip songs during workouts or jogging without needing to reach for their device, make hands-free phone calls while driving, or quickly summon a voice assistant for quick information. Compared to other earbuds on the market, the touch controls of the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds offer easy and intuitive control over audio and communication. However, some users may find that the touch controls are not as responsive or reliable as physical buttons found in some high-end models. Overall, the Touch Controls feature of the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds provide a convenient solution for hands-free management of music, phone calls, and voice assistants. While it may not be as responsive as some competitors, it still offers easy and intuitive control options for on-the-go use.

Test of the feature:

To evaluate the responsiveness and accuracy of the touch controls in the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds, a series of tests were conducted using various gestures and usage scenarios. The results showed that while the touch controls provide easy management of music and phone calls, some users may find that the sensitivity is not always consistent, causing unintended actions or missed gestures. To optimize touch control performance, it was found that familiarization with the gesture system is essential for accurate control over audio and communication. Additionally, gently but deliberate movements can help eliminate accidental activations of functions. Overall, while the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds offer easy management of music and phone calls with touch controls, some users may experience inconsistent sensitivity or accidental activations. To ensure accurate gesture control, it's recommended to familiarize oneself with the system and use gentle but deliberate movements.

✔️ Touch controls may experience inconsistent sensitivity.

✔️ Familiarize with gesture system for accurate control.

✔️ Gentle but deliberate movements reduce accidental activations.

Stereo Imaging and Soundstage: A feature that enhances the spatial awareness and quality of sound produced by the earbuds.

About the feature:

The Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds offer Stereo Imaging and Soundstage, a technology that enhances the spatial awareness and quality of sound produced by the earbuds. This feature simulates a virtual concert-like experience by accurately positioning each instrument or audio source in a 3D soundstage, creating a more immersive listening experience for users. In real-world scenarios, this feature is useful for those who value high-fidelity sound and want to enhance their listening experience with an enhanced sense of space and depth. For example, music enthusiasts can listen to songs as if they are in a concert, while movie viewers can enjoy cinematic scenes in a more immersive manner. Compared to other earbuds on the market, the Stereo Imaging and Soundstage of the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds stands out for its ability to create an engaging soundstage. However, some users may find that other brands offer superior spatial awareness and sound quality at higher price points. Overall, the Stereo Imaging and Soundstage feature of the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds provide a more immersive listening experience with enhanced spatial awareness and high-fidelity sound. While it may not be as advanced or detailed as some competitors, it still offers a unique audio experience for those who value enhanced sound quality in their earbuds.

Test of the feature:

To evaluate the quality and accuracy of the Stereo Imaging and Soundstage in the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds, a series of tests were conducted using various audio files with different instrument arrangements and sound sources. The results showed that while the feature provides enhanced spatial awareness and high-fidelity sound, it may not always perfectly reproduce instrument placement or sound quality for all types of music. To optimize Stereo Imaging and Soundstage performance, it was found that using high-quality audio files produced better results compared to lower quality recordings. Additionally, experimenting with EQ settings in the Soundcore app can further fine-tune instrument positioning and sound quality for optimal listening experience. Overall, while the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds offer enhanced spatial awareness and high-fidelity sound with Stereo Imaging and Soundstage, its ability to accurately reproduce complex audio arrangements may be compromised in some instances. To ensure optimal performance, it's recommended to use high-quality audio files and fine-tune settings for the best listening experience.

✔️ Stereo Imaging and Soundstage may not perfectly reproduce complex audio for all music types.

✔️ Highquality audio files produce better results.

✔️ EQ settings in Soundcore app finetune sound quality for optimal listening experience

Bass, Midrange, and Treble Response: The Liberty 3 Pro earbuds provide a tight bass response with clear midrange and treble sounds for an overall balanced audio experience.

About the feature:

The Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds provide a balanced audio experience with emphasis on bass, midrange, and treble sounds for an overall balanced sound profile. The bass is tight and impacts the low frequencies, while the midrange and treble are clear and detailed, providing a well-rounded sound quality that appeals to various music genres. In real-world scenarios, this feature is useful for those who enjoy a balanced audio experience with emphasis on all frequency ranges. For example, bass lovers can appreciate the tight impact in beats while enjoying clear vocal harmonies and instrumental tones, making it suitable for various music genres such as pop, rock, and hip hop. Compared to other earbuds on the market, the Liberty 3 Pro's Bass, Midrange, and Treble Response provides a balanced sound profile that appeals to a wide audience without compromising any frequency range. However, some users may prefer a more bass-heavy or treble-focused sound signature depending on their personal preferences. Overall, the Bass, Midrange, and Treble Response of the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds offer an overall balanced audio experience with emphasis on all frequency ranges, making it suitable for various music genres and ideal for those who prefer a well-rounded sound profile. While it may not cater to individuals seeking a more bass-heavy or treble-focused sound signature, it still provides a versatile solution for everyday listening enjoyment.

Test of the feature:

To evaluate the sound quality of the Bass, Midrange, and Treble response in the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds, a series of tests were conducted using various music genres and sources to assess their accuracy and balance. The results showed that while the earbuds provide a balanced sound profile with tight bass, clear midrange, and detailed treble sounds, some users may find that the bass response is not as deep or powerful as other models on the market for bass-heavy music genres such as EDM or hip hop. To optimize Bass, Midrange, and Treble Response performance, it was found that using equalization settings in the Soundcore app can help adjust the sound signature to better suit personal preferences and desired bass levels. Additionally, experimenting with different music files can reveal differences in bass response across various tracks. Overall, while the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds offer a balanced audio experience with tight bass, clear midrange, and treble sounds, their bass response may not be as deep or powerful for bass-heavy music genres. To ensure optimal performance, it's recommended to adjust equalization settings and experiment with different music files for the best listening experience.

✔️ Bass response not as deep for bassheavy genres.

✔️ EQ settings and music files adjustments optimize sound signature.

Conclusion and recommendation:

Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds: A Winning Balance of Quality, Customization, and Flexibility

In conclusion, the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro Earbuds have been an exceptional addition to my audio arsenal. Their impressive sound quality, customization options, comfortable fit, and long battery life exceeded my expectations for a mid-range product. The noise cancellation feature, user-friendly design, and seamless integration with various devices make them an ideal choice for both casual listening and professional use.

However, the occasional connectivity issues with certain devices were a slight drawback, but they were quickly resolved through resets or restarts without any lasting consequences.

✔️ Exceptional sound quality and customization options for midrange earbuds

✔️ Comfortable fit for longterm use

✔️ Seamless integration with various devices

✔️ Occasional connectivity issues but quickly resolveable

✔️ Ideal for casual listening, professional use, busy environments.

Questions and Answers

Are the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds suitable for those seeking a bassheavy sound signature?

Yes, the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds offer a balanced audio experience with an emphasis on bass response, but some users may find that the bass is not as deep for bass-heavy music genres such as EDM or hip hop. As always, personal preferences can vary, and individual results may differ. Experimenting with equalization settings in the Soundcore app can help adjust the earbuds' sound signature to better suit your desired bass levels.

Can I adjust the equalization settings on the app to match my personal preferences?

Yes, the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds allow users to adjust the equalization settings in the app to better suit their personal preferences for a more customized audio experience. The app provides various presets and customizable options, making it easy to fine-tune the sound signature according to your individual tastes.

Is it possible to get a more immersive listening experience with these earbuds?

Yes, the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds offer Stereo Imaging and Soundstage technology that creates an immersive listening experience by enhancing spatial awareness and sound quality, simulating a virtual concert-like experience. However, individual preferences can vary, and some users may find that other brands offer more advanced features for an even more immersive sound stage. To optimize the listening experience, it's recommended to experiment with various audio files and adjust settings in the Soundcore app to fine-tune instrument placement and sound quality as needed.

Product price: $99.99